solar for roof

solar for roof

In the US, residential solar installations have been growing consistently over the past few years, reaching 1GW DC in the fourth quarter of 2021.

The adoption of solar energy is being driven by many factors, such as the development of cutting-edge solar technologies, such as solar roof tiles.

There are many manufacturers of solar roof tiles on the market. Choose GAIN SOLAR solar roof tiles as an alternative to Tesla solar tiles. For each of the solar roof tiles we will break down their features for you and more importantly let you know if solar tiles are right for you.

What solar roof tiles are

solar roof tiles are an alternative to traditional solar panels and can be integrated more seamlessly into your roof. Just like solar panels, they absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity for your use. solar roof tiles are classified as Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV), or solar products that replace traditional building materials such as roofing or glass windows. BIPV solutions can reduce the cost of building materials while providing renewable energy.

solar roof tiles are similar to standard asphalt roof tiles, but have a different composition. These shingles contain a thin layer of photovoltaic (PV) panels covering a glass base. They can cover your existing roof or replace it. Just like your roof, shingles are designed to withstand the elements, including heavy rain, wind and hail.

Where are solar roof tiles located? How do they work?

Solar tiles are basically solar cells that convert solar radiation into usable electricity and, moreover, they can be used as roofing material for your home. These rooftop solar cells are usually made into tiles or shingles which are seamlessly arranged to provide structural support for roofs and other types of buildings.

With solar roof tiles you can have a roof that fulfils two functions: generating clean energy and providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance to your home, office or any other building.

solar roof tiles composition/structure

solar roof tiles or shingles are made from solar cells that are usually manufactured using semiconductor materials such as monocrystalline silicon and copper-indium-gallium selenide. The cells are assembled in strips or strips to form tiles or shingles.

In addition, because solar roof tiles are so thin, this gives them greater flexibility and weight.

How do solar roof tiles work?

Solar tiles or tiles can be used as a roofing material for your home. The main idea is to combine the solar cells with the roof sheathing instead of mounting the solar modules on top of the tiles.

The basic principle of solar roof tiles is the same as that of conventional solar panels. In other words, photovoltaic cells absorb sunlight in order to generate a free flow of electrons, which in turn generates an electric current that can be used to power electrical equipment. solar roof tiles and solar panels differ mainly in their construction.

Why choose solar roof tiles technology?

To help you analyse whether choosing solar roof tiles for your PV system is the right choice, we have summarised and listed the advantages and disadvantages of using them.


The perfect solution for situations where the roof needs to be replaced.

Elegant and stylish design adds a futuristic look to your roof.

No obstructions to the solar panels visible on the roof.

No external wiring that could be damaged and cause potential danger.

As with conventional solar systems, there are no roof penetration weaknesses on the roof.


Higher upfront costs and lower return on investment (ROI) compared to conventional rooftop solar panels (unless the roof is to be replaced).

The energy efficiency of solar roof tiles is often lower than that of standard solar modules.

Few companies carry out solar tile installations.

What is the average cost of solar roof tiles technology?

The amount you pay for the installation of solar roof tiles on your roof depends on your energy usage, the condition and age of the roof, the manufacturer of the solar roof tiles and other factors.

However, the cost of solar roof tiles can range from $20,000 to $70,000, and Tesla solar roofs are usually located at the high end of the scenario.

At the same time homeowners can take advantage of solar incentives, rebates and credits to offset the cost of solar roof tiles. These incentives are offered at the federal and local government levels. For example, the federal solar tax credit offers a tax deduction equal to 30% of the cost of a solar installation. Check out the Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (DSIRE) to learn about other state and local incentives in your area.

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My installer had calculated much more yield for my solar panels. Is there anything I can do about this?

The yield depends on several factors, including the weather. If your installer has charged you more revenue than is realized in practice, we advise you to contact your installer about this.

Is solar energy easy to combine with other forms of energy?

If you don't produce enough solar energy to meet your own energy consumption, you can use fossil fuels to make up for the rest (unless, of course, you buy green energy from your energy supplier). The costs for this energy are on your energy bill.

If I have solar panels installed, can I also use them in the winter?

Solar panels use the light from the sun to produce electricity. Every day it gets light and the sun shines every now and then, so your solar panels also provide energy in the autumn and winter period. In these months, less is generated compared to the spring and summer months.

If I get a fire from my solar panels, what should I do? Is the installer liable?

The chance that a fire will start due to a solar power system is very small (0.0023%). Who can be held liable in such a case differs per situation. If it turns out that the installer has been negligent in the installation of the solar panels, the installer is liable. If you have solar panels installed, it is wise to take out building insurance.

solar for roof

Solar Roof Shingles vs. Solar Panels


Should you buy solar roof tiles?

Most solar systems use conventional rooftop solar panels. While these offer excellent energy savings, they look bulky and obtrusive on your roof. New technology has given rise to solar roof tiles, which have the functionality of solar panels but with a sleeker, more discreet look.

solar roof tiles installation

A solar tile installer will first analyse your energy requirements and roof size. On average, 300-350 solar tiles are required for each installation. The roofing company will inspect the condition of your roof and assess your installation needs. Any roof repairs must be completed before the solar tiles are installed. This reduces the possibility of incorrect installation and damage.

The higher the power output you require, the more shingles you will need and the more expensive the installation will be. However, you do not need to replace or cover all your roof tiles. If you have a roof that requires a lot of work, it is best to opt for a complete solar roof as this will save on roofing material costs.


solar roof tiles allow homeowners to benefit from solar energy without having to install bulky panels. These solar roof tiles can replace conventional roofing systems and still provide the same level of protection for the home. Solar shingles require a more extensive roof installation and are often more costly than standard solar panels. However, their sleek and discreet installation blends in better with the design of your home.

A solar system is more than just a solar roof. It is an enduring work of art. Each system is handcrafted by a member of our highly skilled team to your roof's specifications. You care deeply about the aesthetics of your home. So do we. Feel free to contact us for any special needs and our solar experts will go out of their way to help you!

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  • Like solar panels, solar roofing is designed to capture the energy from the sun that is shining on your roof and turn that energy into a usable power source for your home. Though different types of solar roofing products are available, they are all essentially mini solar panels designed to look like and function as conventional roofing materials. The main market driver of solar roofing products was consumer demand for solar panels that were less noticeable and conspicuous. Though some people appreciate the

    Like solar panels, solar roofing is designed to capture the energy from the sun that is shining on your roof and turn that energy into a usable power source for your home. Though different types of solar roofing products are available, they are all essentially mini solar panels designed to look like and function as conventional roofing materials. The main market driver of solar roofing products was consumer demand for solar panels that were less noticeable and conspicuous. Though some people appreciate the "futuristic" look of a roof clad in solar panels, others lament the loss of traditional roofing appearance. Solar roofing, then, is made to resemble asphalt shingles or slate tiles while also producing electricity. All of the different types of solar roofing are known as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).

  • The development of solar shingles was met with excitement by many homeowners. Besides the improved aesthetics of solar shingles, many homeowners thought that solar shingles might reduce the cost of residential solar installation by absorbing the cost of the roof itself. Across the United States, the average cost for a roof replacement is $8,300. Thus, one of the enticements with solar shingles was that these renewable energy-producing panels could also eliminate the costs of purchasing and installing a new roof. Consumer enthusiasm for solar shingles ultimately led to the development of other types of solar roofing alternatives, including:  Integrated Solar Metal Roofing, and Interlocking Solar Panel Roofing

    The development of solar shingles was met with excitement by many homeowners. Besides the improved aesthetics of solar shingles, many homeowners thought that solar shingles might reduce the cost of residential solar installation by absorbing the cost of the roof itself. Across the United States, the average cost for a roof replacement is $8,300. Thus, one of the enticements with solar shingles was that these renewable energy-producing panels could also eliminate the costs of purchasing and installing a new roof. Consumer enthusiasm for solar shingles ultimately led to the development of other types of solar roofing alternatives, including: Integrated Solar Metal Roofing, and Interlocking Solar Panel Roofing

  • What Is Integrated Solar Metal Roofing? Forward Solar Roofing, a San Francisco, USA company, has developed solar metal roofing that looks like regular metal roofing and comes in various colors. Their multi-layer system includes a glass coating, color coating, and a layer of monocrystalline solar photovoltaic cells. The wiring and attachment systems are hidden underneath the metal for a clean look. Several other layers include durable tempered glass, optical chromatic cloaking, silicon solar cells, and galvanized metal panels, all on top of a vented racking system.    The average cost for installing this roof is around $12.75 per square foot, towards the high end of average prices for standard metal roof installation. However, it is also significantly less than a Tesla solar shingle roof.   Suppose you are building new or need a roof replacement. In that case, this investment could be paid off in very little time due to energy savings, not to mention tax incentives or rebates that may be offered in your area. Forward Solar Roofing guarantees its solar metal roof for 30 years and has a 2-3 day installation time.

    What Is Integrated Solar Metal Roofing? Forward Solar Roofing, a San Francisco, USA company, has developed solar metal roofing that looks like regular metal roofing and comes in various colors. Their multi-layer system includes a glass coating, color coating, and a layer of monocrystalline solar photovoltaic cells. The wiring and attachment systems are hidden underneath the metal for a clean look. Several other layers include durable tempered glass, optical chromatic cloaking, silicon solar cells, and galvanized metal panels, all on top of a vented racking system. The average cost for installing this roof is around $12.75 per square foot, towards the high end of average prices for standard metal roof installation. However, it is also significantly less than a Tesla solar shingle roof. Suppose you are building new or need a roof replacement. In that case, this investment could be paid off in very little time due to energy savings, not to mention tax incentives or rebates that may be offered in your area. Forward Solar Roofing guarantees its solar metal roof for 30 years and has a 2-3 day installation time.

  • What Is Interlocking Solar Panel Roofing? With interlocking solar panel roofing, the regular framed solar panels are mounted directly to the roof, overlapped, and sealed. The panels serve as the weatherproof outer layer over the roof section they occupy, so no asphalt or tile roofing is needed underneath them. They are close to the roof deck and don

    What Is Interlocking Solar Panel Roofing? With interlocking solar panel roofing, the regular framed solar panels are mounted directly to the roof, overlapped, and sealed. The panels serve as the weatherproof outer layer over the roof section they occupy, so no asphalt or tile roofing is needed underneath them. They are close to the roof deck and don

  • ow Much Energy Can Solar Shingles Collect? The exact amount of energy produced by solar shingles will depend on their size. On average, however, each solar shingle should produce between 13 and 63 watts of energy in optimal conditions depending on the brand of solar roof shingles. On the downside, solar shingles are still lagging significantly behind regular solar panels regarding efficiency. According to research done by Energy Sage,

    ow Much Energy Can Solar Shingles Collect? The exact amount of energy produced by solar shingles will depend on their size. On average, however, each solar shingle should produce between 13 and 63 watts of energy in optimal conditions depending on the brand of solar roof shingles. On the downside, solar shingles are still lagging significantly behind regular solar panels regarding efficiency. According to research done by Energy Sage, "typical solar shingle brands range from 14 to 18 percent efficiency, whereas most solar panels are 22 to 23 percent efficient." Because solar shingles will most likely cover your entire roof, the lower efficiency will not necessarily impact the overall solar energy output.

  • When conventional solar panels were first being placed on residential rooftops, the world imagined a quick solution for the ongoing energy crisis. But there was a problem: those big flat panels did not match the architectural style of the houses they had to be placed on. Few people wanted to upset the aesthetics of their roofing just to save a bit on their energy bill in the long-term. A solar roof tile on the other hand simply looks like a roof, and is highly efficient.

    When conventional solar panels were first being placed on residential rooftops, the world imagined a quick solution for the ongoing energy crisis. But there was a problem: those big flat panels did not match the architectural style of the houses they had to be placed on. Few people wanted to upset the aesthetics of their roofing just to save a bit on their energy bill in the long-term. A solar roof tile on the other hand simply looks like a roof, and is highly efficient.

  • Based on Hanergy

    Based on Hanergy

  • What we like about CertainTeed solar roofs Unlike with a Tesla Roof, you can easily integrate solar shingles from CertainTeed into your existing roof. This avoids the need for a total roof upgrade and makes for a much lower cost installation. (In some situations, Tesla might be able to add its Solar Roof on top of your existing roof.)   A CertainTeed solar roof is typically a lot less expensive than a Tesla Roof. CertainTeed solar shingles are also more widely available in the U.S. The company has been in the roofing business for more than a century and has hundreds of service personnel ready to install its solar shingles. With no waitlist and more roofing experience than any other solar shingle manufacturer, CertainTeed is a great choice if you need a new roof or just want to add a few solar shingles to get started.

    What we like about CertainTeed solar roofs Unlike with a Tesla Roof, you can easily integrate solar shingles from CertainTeed into your existing roof. This avoids the need for a total roof upgrade and makes for a much lower cost installation. (In some situations, Tesla might be able to add its Solar Roof on top of your existing roof.) A CertainTeed solar roof is typically a lot less expensive than a Tesla Roof. CertainTeed solar shingles are also more widely available in the U.S. The company has been in the roofing business for more than a century and has hundreds of service personnel ready to install its solar shingles. With no waitlist and more roofing experience than any other solar shingle manufacturer, CertainTeed is a great choice if you need a new roof or just want to add a few solar shingles to get started.

  • CertainTeed makes its solar shingles and tiles in the U.S.  Every installation includes fire-resistant underlayment (where relevant), flashing accessories, starter strip and wind clips, home run wiring, an optional string inverter, and an optional monitoring system.  Both types of solar shingles are easy to install as they use the same low-tech system as regular asphalt and concrete tiles. That is, your installer will attach the shingles to the roof’s sheathing using standard deck screws. This makes for a far speedier and more straightforward installation than with more complex solar shingles.

    CertainTeed makes its solar shingles and tiles in the U.S. Every installation includes fire-resistant underlayment (where relevant), flashing accessories, starter strip and wind clips, home run wiring, an optional string inverter, and an optional monitoring system. Both types of solar shingles are easy to install as they use the same low-tech system as regular asphalt and concrete tiles. That is, your installer will attach the shingles to the roof’s sheathing using standard deck screws. This makes for a far speedier and more straightforward installation than with more complex solar shingles.

  • Specifications CertainTeed uses higher-efficiency solar technology than most solar shingle companies (and is transparent about specifications!). Every active tile has 14 high-efficiency monocrystalline silicon solar cells. These tiles have a power rating of 70 watts each, which is higher than most solar shingles. The efficiency rating of Apollo Shingle 11 is 17.2%, while Apollo Tile 11 has a 17.8% efficiency rating.

    Specifications CertainTeed uses higher-efficiency solar technology than most solar shingle companies (and is transparent about specifications!). Every active tile has 14 high-efficiency monocrystalline silicon solar cells. These tiles have a power rating of 70 watts each, which is higher than most solar shingles. The efficiency rating of Apollo Shingle 11 is 17.2%, while Apollo Tile 11 has a 17.8% efficiency rating.

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