solar pv roof tiles

solar pv roof tiles

solar roof tiles australia price

Solar Roof Shingles vs Solar Roof Panels

size   material   output   appearance   service life   efficiency

Solar tiles work similarly to solar panels – they both absorb the sun’s rays and convert the light into heat or electricity. However, when determining your home's solar needs, there are some important differences you should know. Size, material, lifespan, efficiency, etc. can cause solar roof tile prices to vary.

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Solar shingles are about the same size as traditional roofing shingles, with the average size being about 12 inches wide by 86 inches long, and weighing about 13 pounds per square foot. The thin tiles are less than an inch in thickness. It takes about 350 tiles to complete a typical solar roof installation.


Solar shingles are typically made from copper indium gallium selenide, which is what allows them to be so flexible and thin. This semiconductor is an ideal material as it results in a high conversion efficiency rate, which is about 10% to 12% on average. Some shingles, instead, use monocrystalline silicon, which is also used to fabricate computer chips. While these are more expensive, they are worth the extra price as they have a higher efficiency rate of around 15% to 20%.


As the primary goal is to lower energy costs, this is a major consideration with solar installation. The majority of shingles will produce anywhere between 13 and 63 watts of power. The number of tiles in a typical home roof installation can lower the utility bill by 40% to 70%; by adding more tiles, you can increase the energy output.

While both solar shingles and solar panels convert the sun’s rays into energy, there are a number of differences that will help you decide between the two options:


Since solar shingles blend right into the roofing materials, such as concrete or asphalt, many prefer this aesthetic rather than large black panels attached to the roof. In general, solar shingles create a sleeker aesthetic than do bulky solar panels, particularly since only parts of the roof, like the edging, might be covered in shingles to be efficient.

Service Life

Both solar panels and shingles have long life spans, typically upwards of 20 years. However, the longevity of solar shingles varies by the manufacturer and the installation. Warranties also vary; when you purchase solar shingles, be sure that you note the difference between power warranties. Solar shingle warranties can last for a couple of decades based on their production, while durability warranties that cover the shingles themselves can span the lifetime of the home.


Solar shingles are outshined by panels in terms of efficiency for a number of reasons. While solar panels can be adjusted as needed to achieve the best angle to capture the sun’s rays, shingles stay in the same place as they were first installed. You can always add more shingles to the roof to harness more energy, but as with all home improvement projects, more materials mean more money.

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My installer had calculated much more yield for my solar panels. Is there anything I can do about this?

The yield depends on several factors, including the weather. If your installer has charged you more revenue than is realized in practice, we advise you to contact your installer about this.

Can I also store my excess energy production somewhere?

Yes, this is possible, for example, using a home battery. This is a storage place where you can keep your unused generated energy.

What happens if I generate more solar power than I use?

If you generate more than you consume, you can feed it back to the electricity grid, for which you receive a compensation. This makes the netting arrangement in the Netherlands possible.

Can the roof of my house collapse by installing a solar energy installation?

Before you decide to have a solar energy installation installed, it is wise to have a constructor assess whether your roof is strong enough to install a solar energy installation.

solar pv roof tiles

solar pv roof tiles 

advantage    disadvantage


  • Aesthetics: Solar Roof offers 4 different styles of tile. All have a modern and distinguished-looking design.

  • Durability: It is claimed to be resistant to hail, wind, and fire, as well as to mechanical forces. Solar Roof is backed by ANSI standard tests.

  • Warranty: Offers a 25-year tile and power and weatherization warranty.

  • Renowned brand: Who is not excited to have a product of a brand like Tesla? Claimed to be one of the leaders of a zero-carbon emissions future.


  • High upfront Cost: Compared to building a new roof or replacing an existing one plus adding a regular solar system mounted on the rooftop, it can be 2 to 3 times more expensive to buy the solar roof of Tesla. Depending on the complexity of your roof, you could end up paying a total of somewhere between $40,000 to $70,000 to install the solar shingles. 

  • Low ROI: Depending on many factors like your energy usage habits, the size of the system, your location, and others, the solar roof may have a very low payback in a 25-year lifetime compared to conventional solar systems. In some cases, it could simply be not economically viable.

How do solar roof tiles work?

Solar roof tiles are similar to regular roof tiles but have photovoltaic cell technology integrated inside. The surface of these tiles looks like regular roofing materials, such as shingles or shingle-like designs, but they are able to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity.

Typically, solar roof tiles are made up of multiple solar cells that are given a special coating or exterior design to blend into the overall appearance of the roof. When sunlight hits a solar roof tile, the semiconductor material inside the photovoltaic cell begins to undergo the photoelectric effect, producing an electric current.

The current produced by these batteries can then be used to power household devices, stored in batteries for use at night or on cloudy days, or converted to AC by an inverter for use on the grid. Solar roof tiles are designed to allow solar energy to be integrated into buildings while providing a beautiful, efficient renewable energy solution.

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Picture Library

  • What are solar roof tiles? Solar tiles are small PV modules designed to resemble regular roofing. When the main barrier to investing in solar is appearance, PV tiles can be the perfect solution. You may also hear them referred to as solar shingles or rackless solar systems, as they don’t have the mounting frames in traditional rooftop installations.  It’s unlikely you can integrate solar tiles into existing roofing, so they’re generally suited to newbuilds or renovations. The roof will be a mix of PV and dummy tiles, which look the same but don’t generate electricity. These cover unfavourable parts of the roof, like north-facing or shaded surfaces, or to scale the size of the PV system to the electricity demand of the property.  The main advantage is aesthetics, which is particularly important in conservation or protected areas. While manufacturers are limited at the moment, they are gaining popularity in America where standard roofs are replaced every 30 years or so (matching the lifetime of PV), making a solar roof more appealing.  Note that solar tiles cost about 4-5 times as much as standard solar panels, due to the increased labour and products on offer. For most people interested in PV tiles, integrated solar panels are a better option.

    What are solar roof tiles? Solar tiles are small PV modules designed to resemble regular roofing. When the main barrier to investing in solar is appearance, PV tiles can be the perfect solution. You may also hear them referred to as solar shingles or rackless solar systems, as they don’t have the mounting frames in traditional rooftop installations. It’s unlikely you can integrate solar tiles into existing roofing, so they’re generally suited to newbuilds or renovations. The roof will be a mix of PV and dummy tiles, which look the same but don’t generate electricity. These cover unfavourable parts of the roof, like north-facing or shaded surfaces, or to scale the size of the PV system to the electricity demand of the property. The main advantage is aesthetics, which is particularly important in conservation or protected areas. While manufacturers are limited at the moment, they are gaining popularity in America where standard roofs are replaced every 30 years or so (matching the lifetime of PV), making a solar roof more appealing. Note that solar tiles cost about 4-5 times as much as standard solar panels, due to the increased labour and products on offer. For most people interested in PV tiles, integrated solar panels are a better option.

  • Looking at the local market, GB Sol offers one of the few solar panel roof tiles already available in the UK. The company designed their PV Slate to integrate with slate roofs. They manufacture the shingles in Wales. Solecco is another great alternative for solar tiles in the UK until Tesla Solarglass is available

    Looking at the local market, GB Sol offers one of the few solar panel roof tiles already available in the UK. The company designed their PV Slate to integrate with slate roofs. They manufacture the shingles in Wales. Solecco is another great alternative for solar tiles in the UK until Tesla Solarglass is available

  • Solar shingles use semiconductors to collect knocked-off electrons from the sunlight. These electrons are then acted upon by PV cells, and the process creates a current that can generate electricity, which is exactly how solar panels work

    Solar shingles use semiconductors to collect knocked-off electrons from the sunlight. These electrons are then acted upon by PV cells, and the process creates a current that can generate electricity, which is exactly how solar panels work

  • As solar shingles are relatively new, not all people know their capabilities.Without knowing the pros and cons, it can be difficult to consider whether to install a solar roof instead of the standard solar PV panels.

    As solar shingles are relatively new, not all people know their capabilities.Without knowing the pros and cons, it can be difficult to consider whether to install a solar roof instead of the standard solar PV panels.

  • The average cost of a 4kW solar PV system with solar panels is $5697, meaning you can expect to pay three to four times as much for equivalent solar roof shingles.

    The average cost of a 4kW solar PV system with solar panels is $5697, meaning you can expect to pay three to four times as much for equivalent solar roof shingles.

  • Solar shingles are more expensive than solar panels. For a 4kW solar roof, you can expect to pay three to four times as much as you’d pay for an equivalent solar PV system – and this often doesn’t include a solar inverter or battery.

    Solar shingles are more expensive than solar panels. For a 4kW solar roof, you can expect to pay three to four times as much as you’d pay for an equivalent solar PV system – and this often doesn’t include a solar inverter or battery.

  • Solar roofing technology is still young and evolving, so there are limited options in terms of style and appearance. Solar roof tiles have an appearance that blends in more than standard solar panels but still don’t look exactly like regular roofing shingles.

    Solar roofing technology is still young and evolving, so there are limited options in terms of style and appearance. Solar roof tiles have an appearance that blends in more than standard solar panels but still don’t look exactly like regular roofing shingles.

  • you can walk on solar shingles. Since they’re made to endure harsh weather and fallen debris, they can withstand people walking on them. However, it is still best to check with your supplier.

    you can walk on solar shingles. Since they’re made to endure harsh weather and fallen debris, they can withstand people walking on them. However, it is still best to check with your supplier.

  • GB SOL SOLAR TILES Receiving MCS accreditation in 2018, the GB Sol Solar Slate is one of the few tiles already on the market. Its natural blue-grey slate effect, has proven popular with the UK Local Authority when it comes down to planning approval. Its ability to work seamlessly with natural slates, as well as weighing only between 3.0-3.9kg, means it is often seen installed on sensitive buildings such as listed buildings. This is because it is actually lighter than a traditional tile. Manufactured in Wales, the PV Slate has the capacity to generate between 25Wp and 35Wp of solar power and has been tested to withstand the harsh British weather. A GB Sol solar PV slate has a ten-year product and power guarantee.

    GB SOL SOLAR TILES Receiving MCS accreditation in 2018, the GB Sol Solar Slate is one of the few tiles already on the market. Its natural blue-grey slate effect, has proven popular with the UK Local Authority when it comes down to planning approval. Its ability to work seamlessly with natural slates, as well as weighing only between 3.0-3.9kg, means it is often seen installed on sensitive buildings such as listed buildings. This is because it is actually lighter than a traditional tile. Manufactured in Wales, the PV Slate has the capacity to generate between 25Wp and 35Wp of solar power and has been tested to withstand the harsh British weather. A GB Sol solar PV slate has a ten-year product and power guarantee.

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